Due to Covid-19, this year’s Nottingham Carnival will not take place on the road, but online. On the 23rd August there will be a whole host of events online via Zoom, YouTube and Facebook. The virtual carnival will feature 10 different dance troops magically appearing onto the usual Nottingham Embankment route.
We want you to also feature in this first of its kind virtual carnival video. All you need is:
1. Your camera phone
2. Yourself/ friends and family
3. And get creative.
We can’t wait to see what you have for us.
Submission deadline (10th August 2020)

And we will also be giving out some carnival prizes
What to do and how to submit
Please submit a video via WhatsApp to 07385158862, using the following criteria:
- Video length between 5 and 45 seconds long
- Filmed Portrait (not landscape)
- A new or even old video (where you have everyone’s permission in the video to use it)

The rest is down to you. Get creative, with flags, your favorite dance move, face paint, props, glitter, a boomerang video a banner of your favorite dance troop.
See video for examples: https://vimeo.com/439954088/f9de0f5146
Once you have recorded send the video to: 07385158862
IMPORTANT: Please include the following message when you send the video.
‘Everyone in the video consents to the footage being used as part of the Nottingham Virtual Carnival 2020’
Include name, where you’re from and if your supporting a dance troop, let us know which one.
Please see terms below and don’t forget to like us on Facebook so you know when we go live:
Submission deadline 10th August 2020
Consent form for using video and images
I/we (the party) consent that I/we are over the age of 18. If any party is under the age of 18 please ask a parent to submit and give permission on their behalf.
I/we hereby consent to Nottingham Carnival and Tale Production (the Video editors of Nottingham Virtual Carnival video) using images and video content I submit for the purposes of promoting the Nottingham Carnival and being featured in the Virtual Carnival Nottingham.
I/we also consent to them being used for other marketing and publicity related purposes and used in other Nottingham Carnival and Tale Production publication and I understand that they may be published on the Tale Production or Nottingham Carnival website or other website or elsewhere.]
I understand that:
· my images and videos will be held in accordance with the Data Protection Act;
· I hereby agree to irrevocably assign all usage rights in my performance and/or recordings to Tale Production and Nottingham Carnival; Whilst you (the party) remain copyright holder of the footage.
· Under the Gender Data Protection Data Regulation (GDPR) legislation I am aware of my right to access on request any photos held by Tale Production and Nottingham Carnvial and receive confirmation on how they are being used. I am also aware of my rights to request any media to be removed by Tale Production and Nottingham Carnival for future use.
If the recording is going to capture me speaking (e.g. interview, voice over etc.), I/we also agree that I/we will only include any material in the recording which is the intellectual property (including copyright) of another party, if I/we have their permission or a licence to do so and irrevocably licence Tale Production to use and sub-licence any copyright in the words spoken (once fixed by the recording).
Under the Gender Data Protection Data Regulation (GDPR) legislation I/we are aware of my right to access on request any photos held by Tale Production and Nottingham Carnival and receive confirmation on how they are being used. I/we are also aware of my rights to request any media to be removed by Tale Production and Nottingham Carnival for future use.